1. Navigate to Meeting Insights > Past Meetings
2. On the Past Meetings dashboard, click on the meeting (the row) that you want to explore.
3. Need to edit the title? Click into the name to edit. Don't forget to hit save!
4. If you are using our CRM integration, either with Hubspot or Salesforce, UpdateAI will attempt to match the email address of participants with an associated CRM account record. You can change the account mapping directly in the recap.
5. UpdateAI will chose a Meeting Type based on the data associated with the meeting. You can adjust the meeting type at any time after the meeting by clicking on the down arrow and choosing the appropriate meeting type.
6. The three dots give you the option to quickly change visibility settings and/or create an internal link for sharing.
7. To create a link that can be shared with anyone who is not a member of your UpdateAI workspace, click on Public Share.
Pro Tip: It's helpful to name each link created if you plan on creating multiple share links!
8. There are three privacy settings: Public, Private and User Specific. You can also specify how long the link is valid for.
9. After entering a title, choosing the privacy level, and choosing the length of time the link will be active, click on Go to Manage Links.
10. This page allows you to choose which parts of the recap page you want to share. You can toggle on or off as many parts of the Meeting Recap that you'd like!
11. Click on "Go to Generate New Link" to actually generate the link.
12. The link will be created and copied to clipboard. You can now paste it into your favorite messaging system,
13. At the top of each meeting recap, you will see text that tells you if the Insights from this meeting recap will be included in Account Insights and Portfolio Insights. The default is that they will be included. Want to exclude? Flip the toggle.
14. There are 3 key parts within the Meeting Recap: Let's start with the Smart Summary.
The TL;DR section includes highlights from the meeting. Each insight can be edited, shared, saved to a favorites library, and deleted by clicking on the three dots to the right of each row.
The action items section contains action items, who said them, and to whom they have been assigned. Each insight can be edited, shared, saved to a favorites library, and deleted by clicking on the three dots to the right of each row.
The risks section contains a list of moments or multiple moments that hinted at one of our risk categories. Each insight can be edited, shared, excluded from insights, saved to a favorites library, and deleted by clicking on the three dots to the right of each row.
The Growth Opportunities section contains a list of moments or multiple moments that hinted at one of our growth categories. Each insight can be edited, shared, excluded from insights, saved to a favorites library, and deleted by clicking on the three dots.
The product feedback section contains a list of moments or multiple moments that hinted at one of our product feedback categories. Each insight can be edited, shared, excluded from insights, saved to a favorites library, and deleted by clicking on the three dots.
The advocacy section contains a list of moments or multiple moments that hinted at one of our advocacy categories. Each insight can be edited, shared, excluded from insights, saved to a favorites library, and deleted by clicking on the three dots to the right of each row.
The important numbers section contains a list of moments or multiple moments that hinted at one of our important moments categories. Each insight can be edited, shared, excluded from insights, saved to a favorites library, and deleted by clicking on the three dots.
15. If you want to summarize and share only some of the insights, instead of the whole recap, you can click on the insights you want to summarize and share, navigate to the Share Wizard and generate a summary off of those key insights only.
16. Next to the share wizard, there is also an option to just copy all of the insights within the recap. You can choose to share this publicly or internally.
17. Each meeting recap also has an Ask me anything button. You can use this AI chat feature to ask anything about the meeting.
18. The Meeting Analytics Tab gives you access to talk ratio data and a pre-generated Client Follow Up email that UpdateAI writes based on the contents of the meeting.
19. The Insight Frameworks tab allows you to generate any Insight Framework that has been created for your workspace. To learn more about Insight Frameworks, take a tour here:
20. On the right side, you'll find the video and transcription. You can click into any part of the transcription, and the video will auto-scroll to that point in the conversation. You can also search, download, snip or copy from here.