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What Gong settings do I need to also record with UpdateAI?
What Gong settings do I need to also record with UpdateAI?

Instructions on how to adjust from deleting your meeting recording on the Zoom cloud before UpdateAI is able to retrieve it.

Updated over 7 months ago

If the recording status in your dashboard reads 'Not Available' after your meeting concludes, it indicates that UpdateAI was unable to retrieve the video files from your Zoom cloud meeting recording.

In most cases, this occurs because another notetaker, such as, has already retrieved the video files and is set to delete those files from Zoom. They may have deleted the files before UpdateAI had the opportunity to retrieve them.

When using specifically, this only happens when Gong is configured to access the recording of your video from Zoom. Typically, Gong employs a notetaking bot, so this issue doesn't commonly arise.

If you are using and it is retrieving your recordings, you can adjust the Gong settings to prevent it from deleting the recording files.

Thumbnail for video

If you find yourself in a situation where UpdateAI couldn't process your meeting's recording, and that recording has subsequently been deleted from the Zoom cloud, please refer to the following steps to recover your deleted recording.

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