To Invite the Bot to a Meeting:
1. Navigate to Meeting Insights
2. Click on Invite Bot to Meeting
3. Enter the Meeting Title (based on calendar invite, where possible). We recommend adding a meeting title so that you can easily find the meeting recap later, but it is optional.
4. Add the meeting link by copying a link from the calendar invite and pasting it into this field.
5. Select the Participants type (Internal or External Participants)- Choose internal if you are only meeting with people at your own company. Choose external if any people from outside your company will be participating.
6. Click on Invite bot to finish the process. Make sure that, if necessary, you allow the bot to enter the meeting.
To Upload a Meeting Recording:
1. Click on Meeting Insights
2. Click on Upload New Meeting
3. Click or drag the meeting recording file to this area to upload. UpdateAI accepts both video files (.mp4) and audio files (.m4a).
4. Enter a Meeting Title (The meeting title is optional, but we suggest including one for easy searching later.)